Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cleaning Of The Interact Room

Work began on cleaning the Interact Room on the 29th of August 2009, during the holiday break. Some among our Board of Directors, including our President, gathered at school at about 8.00a.m. and started tidying up without wasting any time.

All of them had to first empty out the old, unused and most probably spoilt documents, files, books, office equipment and other dusty rubbish from the area. The room had been used as a counseling room for extremely long time and our club was fortunate enough to be given the space.

Our interactors were efficient trying to make the room as neat as possible, carrying bits and pieces of trash out of there as well as shifting old furniture. Each of the possibly recyclable items were arranged accordingly outside the room so that they could be dealt with later whereas the rubbish was carefully packed into plastic bags and thrown away.

As for the status of the Interact Room, it still requires a lot of cleaning so the project remains in progress at the moment. With a few more helping hands from our fellow interactors, it is just a matter of time before we make the room not only a more comfortable place to be, but it will also look like new.

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