Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hey guys.I'm really sorry for the super late update.Anyways,here are a few of the activites we have carried out so far.


For the month of July we had our installation where the BOD for the term 2010/2011 were elected.During the award ceremony,we won the best club service director and best treasurer award.But we failed to defend our title Best Club Award which we won 2 terms ago.We kick started our term by opening up stalls during our school kokurikulum day.Also we sold dedications as a part of our fund raising project.


For the month of August we painted our school tennis court.It took us a total of 3 days(21-23) to complete the painting.The outcome was just awesome.Next we had our Merdeka badge sale in conjungtion with our nation's 53rd Independance Day.Each badge is sold at a price of RM4.After that,we also organised a farewell party for our seniors to give them a proper goodbye.=).Besides that,the ICC of Klang organised the anual Merdeka Walk which was also held in conjungtion with our nation's Independance Day.A total of 16 member from HSK attended this event.The event kick started with the gathering of all the 9 schools.We walked around Klang Town sharing the spirit of 'MERDEKA'.The event ended with speeches from the Chairperson of ICC,Sukhdip Singh and performances from other schools.


For the month of September,we will be having a visit to the Paws Animal Welfare Society(PAWS) where interactors will be carrying out voluntary work.We will also be supporting the projects of other schools like SMK Raja Zarina who will be carrying out a photography competition where interactors will have to submit a photo about their best friendship moment.Also,we will be supporting SMK ACS by attending the mooncake festival organised by Interact Club of ACS.

REMINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Interact Club Of HSK has already selected their country and theme for their IU DAY.The country selected is India-Pakistan and the theme will be CROSSING BORDERS!!

Thank you for your endless support.=)

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